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GEA – Giornate Educazione Ambiente
Three days of debates, meetings and workshops to inaugurate EDUQA
Napoli, 28 - 29 September and 01 October 2023

From 29 September to 01 October 2023, the headquarters of FOQUS in Quartieri Spagnoli, Naples, hosted the first edition of GEA – Giornate Educazione Ambiente. Three days of conferences, meetings, debates, readings and workshops to reflect on the relationships between education and environment, climate crisis and educational models, and innovations in international education and sustainability for cities, urban areas and ecosystems.

During the three days of GEA – Giornate Educazione Ambiente, EDUQA was inagurated: this innovative school complex is managed in line with the latest theories of education. Environmental issues and active learning are central to its curriculum.