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Mission, Objectives and Strategies

Education as a tool for development.





We believe in education as a fundamental tool for development, capable of enhancing the qualities and potential inherent in every human being, especially in the young. Driven by this conviction, we work to ensure children and young people the right to education; we aim to offer them opportunities to develop their abilities and talents to the fullest, in any context they find themselves in and at every stage of their growth. Through support and implementation of initiatives in the educational, school, and training fields, we aim to accompany the new generations on a path of personal growth and skills development, allowing them to be conscious leaders of their own future and to face the great challenges related to the transition towards a sustainable development model.



Contribute to ensuring accessible and quality education with a particular focus on:

  • Preventing early school leaving
  • Promoting education for sustainable development
  • Promoting innovative didactic methods


Contribute to activities and initiatives of general interest to support the communities, protecting underprivileged people.


Provide support in emergency situations such as wars, natural disasters and health emergencies.


Core Social Initiatives

We want to promote high value-added social initiatives, characterized by:

  • Diversification (social topic, format, target, geographical area, partner, etc.)
  • Long-term horizon
  • Focalisation

Knowledge Development

We want to contribute to the generation of knowledge through:

  • Research activities
  • Publications (position papers, articles, podcasts, etc.)
  • Developing editorial ideas


We want to promote the public debate through:

  • Public events
  • Organization of lectures & workshops

Internal Know How

We pursue the strengthening of internal skills through:

  • Advisor and external collaborators of excellence
  • Induction activities and training
  • Associationism and networking